There are many different Errors and Varieties to look for in all years. Here is a list so you can easily reference something you may find.

Die Chips are a common error that can be found on any coin. It is created when the Die gets a chip in it and fills up with excess metal from the Planchet.

Die Cracks are much the same as a Die Chip. Just in a line form…

A lamination is a planchet defect caused when a portion of the planchet metal separates from itself due to impurities or internal stresses.

This is an extreme example, lots of examples don’t peel away.

‘True Doubling’

‘Machine Doubling’. Notice how this doubling is flatter and not as separated as above.

Doubling. This can be a heated debate, especially between countries and how they define doubling. There is machine doubling and ‘True Doubling’. It seems here in anada we consider machine doubling as true doubling….let the debate begin!